So when you work in “infrastructure-as-code” or CI/CD automation. Inevitably, you end up having to repeat actions, or deploy similar types of things. And recently both personally and professionally I fould that I was tempted to do that. And I like to joke that I am “highly allergic to duplicate code.” So I wanted to create a central repo to support not only own personal projects but profession ones as well.
Here’s a blog post I did for the composite actions part of the repo:
- Composite Actions Library: The library of composite actions for github workflow and the testing harness that I built to support it.
Below is a repo:
The following are key releases:
Date | Release | Notes |
2/26/2025 | composite-actions-1.0.0 | Released a composite list of github actions to support workflows. |
2/27/2025 | bicep-templates-1.0.0 | Released basic environment template for getting started and helper script for publishing templates. |