So you can’t do much without for deploying a virtual machine as a developer workstation. I personally prefer using a remote machine to work on. And to support that I’ve added templates for creating Linux and Windows Data Science VMs on Azure.
For this repo, you can deploy the basic environment and then deploy virtual machines by running the following:
Firstly, make sure you are logged into azure:
az cloud set --name AzureUSGovernment
az login --use-device-code
And then you can deploy the virtual machine with the following:
RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="test-rg" # Existing resource group to deploy the machine to.
LOCATION="" # Region for deployment
SUBNET_ID="" # The Resource ID of the subnet to attach the VM to.
# Virtual Machine Details:
VM_NAME="" # Name of the Virtual Machine
ADMIN_USER_NAME="" # Admin Username for the machine
DEFAULT_TAG_NAME="" # A tag name to attach.
DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE="" # The value of the tag.
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --template-file ./modules/virtual-machine.bicep --parameters vm_name=$VM_NAME subnet_id=$SUBNET_ID data_science_vm_type=$MACHINE_TYPE admin_user_name=$ADMIN_USER_NAME default_tag_name=$DEFAULT_TAG_NAME default_tag_value=$DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE
The Data Science VM is a fantastic tool because it comes with a lot of tools already installed. You can find a list here.
You can find more details here.